AMAI stand on new MSR regulation

New CCIM regulations UG and PG  – AMAI Stand

In this regard AMAI have a strong stand, which shows its determination to re-instate Councils former regulation, which introduced in 2005. AMAI feels that the former regulation which itself is a diluted form of the then existed regulation.

AMAI state committee publicly announced its objection on the new regulation at a press meeting at  Ernakulam on 11-08-2012, which was reported in the major medias in the state with due  importance.

AMAI state president Dr. Vinod kumar along with CCIM member Dr. Udayakumar and Dr. Raghunathan Nair, Secretary, Akhila Kerala Govt. Ayurveda College Adhyapaka Sanghatana, discussed this matter with Dr. V.PThyagi, President, CCIM on 17th August 2012 at Jamnagar. We submitted a representation to him in this matter.

During the discussion, the CCIM president agreed to us to visit Kerala and have detailed discussion on this matter with concerned organisations of students, teachers and AMAI. The programme is scheduled on 03-09-2012 at Govt. Ayurveda College, Tripunithura.

The AMAI instructed its CCIM members to move a resolution in the coming CCIM Ayurveda committee and general council scheduled on 6th, 7th and 8th September , appealing the council to restore the former regulation. It was already sent to the CCIM.

The AMAI state committee met on 26-08-2012, at Ayurveda Bhavan, Ankamaly endorsed the above actions of the leadership in this matter. This committee decided to oppose the Councils new movement to curtail the infrastructure facilities and manpower of Ayurveda colleges of the country, through the new regulations, with all possible means. The AMAI is planning to have Nation- wide agitation along with all Ayurvedic fraternity, who opposes the new CCIM regulations. AMAI, also plans to seek legal remedies in this matter.

AMAI have the strong opinion that the new regulation will deteriorate the Standards of Ayurvedic education in the country.

Dr.G. Vinod Kumar , President                        Dr. Rejith Anand, General Secretary


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