About AMAI

Ayurveda Medical Association of India (AMAI) is an organization of qualified Ayurveda doctors since 1978. It represents all strata of Ayurveda like private practitioners, academicians, doctors in government service, researchers, doctors of medicine industry, PG scholars and students. Kerala, the God’s own country has been pioneer in the field of Ayurveda education, Ayurvedic health care, pharmaceutical research, hospital services and medical tourism. Their enormous contributions in the field of research, having international standards are now recognized. In the recent past, there has been an awakening of the international consciousness towards Indian medicine. Health care- takers, medical institutions, social scientists and pharmaceutical companies are showing serious interest in Indian medicine. India and its neighboring countries are now fully conscious towards the potential of Indian medicine.





Ayurveda Medical Association of India was formed in 1978 by uniting two similar organizations, Ayurveda Medical Association (AMA) in the northern Kerala and National Ayurveda Medical Association (NAMA) in the Southern Kerala. Both organizations convened a joint meeting on 14th Feb 1978 at Guruvayoor and decided to join together with a common program and the new organization was named as Ayurveda Medical Association of India. The first combined conference held at Thrissur, Kerala on 13th Aug 1978 resolved the following aims and objectives.


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