A serious discussion was held for eliciting the problems in the manufacturing of classical Ayurveda medicine.Many classical medicines available before 15-20 years has vanished from market. This affects physician’s freedom to choose the right drug. Off course profitability is a major break point in industrial point of view . What are the major issues adversely affects manufacturing of kashayas, tailas, grithas, avarties, etc. How can we save the industry ? How can we preserve genuine Ayurveda ? What are the corrective measures to be undertaken ? The programme was successful and it could outline an action plan.
- April 7, 2015
It's time to renew your membership. Member benefits include Journals.
Streamlining Drug Regulatory Mechanism and Licensing Process in the Wake of COVID Pandemic
June 27, 2021
AMAI Webinar is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Time: Jun 27, 2021 07:00 PM India Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88549075693?pwd=YnZVam5oU2lDUGphOEMvWnNIQ2dGZz09 Meeting ID: 885
CCIM election 2018- AMAI’s nominations declared.
October 17, 2017
Angamali, Sunday,Oct 15,2017: Ayurveda Medical Association of India State committee met today and unanimously suggested Dr Rejith Anand ( General Secretary, AMAI State committee) and
🌾 ആഹാരത്തിലൂടെ ഔഷധം🌾
June 8, 2021
🌱പാലും പഴവും കഴിക്കാമോ? വിരുദ്ധമല്ലേ????? വിരുദ്ധമോ അതൊക്കെ പണ്ട്…. ഈ കോവിഡ് കാലത്തും വിരുദ്ധാഹാരമോ…. 🌱 COVID സമയത്ത് പഥ്യാഹാരങ്ങൾ ശീലിക്കണോ….???… 🌱 മലയാളിയുടെ ആഹാരശീലങ്ങൾ പുനർ ചിന്തിക്കേണ്ടത്തുണ്ടോ….? 🌱 ഒരു ഗർഭിണിക്ക്