2018 November 11
Kozhikode Zone:::
Key note address:: Dr. V G Udayakumar.
Chairman, AMAI Research Foundation
1st session: Dr. Reshmitha KM.
(ISM dept. Kannur )
Topic:: Pre Conceptional Care, Anti Natal and Post Natal Care.
2nd session::Dr Anitha Visambharan.
Associate professor, prasoothitantra dept
VPSV Ayurveda College Kottakkal.
Amenorrhoea, Vaginal Discharge, Prolapse, PCOD.
Dear Doctor, A.M.A.I state committee meeting will be held on 06/01/2013, at 11 am, Ayurveda Bhavan Ankamaly. Please attend the meeting on time. Regards Dr.Rejith