ആരോഗ്യനയത്തിനെതിരെ പരാതിയുമായി ആയുർവേദ ഡോക്ടർമാർ


AMAI stand on controversies regarding GO on exice issue Lot of confusions are being developed regarding the new amendments of excise rules. The news regarding the punishment to doctors for selling arishtas and asavas in loose bottle is baseless. Doctors have the right to loose or mix arishtas for therapeutic use as per rule 10 of Abkari act. This rule has not been undergone for any amendments. Regarding the exception of sp licence up to 100 lit. of fast moving arishtas a clerical error has been occurred in preparing the amendments . Excise officials have committed the correction at the earliest. Regarding 5 sp 7 licences for a doctor only a circular from excise commissioner is necessary. It is not necessary to mention in rule amendments. Kerala Government has increased the permissible limit of arishtas and asavas . As per new order no excise official will charge cases against doctors if he find more than 10 bottles of dasamoolarishtam in our clinic. But unfortunately corporate movement is ongoing to cancel the new amendment spreading unnecessary panic in doctors community. THOSE WHO MISUSE ARISHTAS AND UNQUALIFIED PRACTITIONERS ARE STRONGLY OBJECTING THE NEW REGULATIONS

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Vamsaparvam Valedictory Spine and joint diseases ൽ വംശപർവം എന്ന പേരിൽ AMAI പറവൂർ ഏരിയ കമ്മറ്റി സംഘടിപ്പിച്ച 13 ഓൺലൈൻ ക്ലാസുകൾ വിജയകരമായി പൂർത്തീകരിച്ചു. ജൂൺ 11 വെള്ളിയാഴ്ച വൈകുന്നേരം 7

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